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Coffee is the top choice of beverage to consume with breakfast for all adult generations except Gen Z, with water topping the list for the Scots born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. 

To mark this years Big Scottish Breakfast, the STV Children's Appeal commissioned a survey to uncover the breakfast habits of the population. We conducted a survey of over 1,000 Scots and have broken the answers down by generations to unveil the differences in habits by age groups.

Some similarities between generations remain as every age group from Gen Z through to the Silent Generation picked the simple bowl of cereal as their go-to breakfast. 

Top Breakfast Items for Scots







More than double the amount of Millennials don't eat breakfast compared to Gen Z

% of those who skip breakfast

What are Scots drinking with their breakfast?

Gen Z are the only generation to not choose coffee as their favourite drink to consume with breakfast, with water topping the list for the age group. 

  • Gen Z (13%) are three times as likely to drink milk than Millennials (4%).
  • Millennials (5%) are more likely to drink an energy drink with their breakfast than any other generation.
  • Baby Boomers (born between 1946 - 1964), are the most likely to drink tea with their morning meal (42%).
Read the full report from STV News.
STV News Breakfast Habits